Zephyrus White, voice actor

Zephyrus White, voice actor

# 1RJ6ELKCredible, Trustworthy, Natural, Warm and Friendly
4.8(1174 reviews)
130 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


    Age and gender

      Why Zephyrus stands out

      • Bunny Pro for 11 years

        Bunny Pro for 11 years

        Has fulfilled 5319 projects since 2014

      Featured samples

      All voice over samples from Zephyrus White

      About Zephyrus White

      I can provide your project with credible, trustworthy, natural, warm and friendly voice ideal for both commercial and narrative. If you’re looking for an air of authority, look no further, I can offer an extremely polished and professional voice, perfect for web video and corporate presentations, voicemail and on hold greetings.

      Zephyrus White's reviews

      4.8(1174 reviews)
      Stephen S. -
      "Terrific - thanks so much, Zephyrus!"
      Pablo A. -
      "Fast response. "
      Roger L. -
      "Zephyrus has the perfect voice, tempo, and tone for my project"
      Roger L. -
      "This was the perfect voice for my project, and Zephyrus did a great job speaking exactly in the way I hoped for!"
      Stephen C. -
      "Extremely fast and excellent."

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