Kevy Parr, voice actor

Kevy Parr, voice actor

# 8E5QG0A lovely Scottish VO with a hint of gravitas when required.
5(1 review)
0 projects (last 365 days)
0times favorited


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      All voice over samples from Kevy Parr

      About Kevy Parr

      I have a warm Scottish voice and can also adapt my voice to other UK accents. I also have a wide range of character voices making me an ideal VOA for cartoons, animation and games. I guarantee to give you the best voiceover I can and I will not be satisfied until the client is too.

      Kevy Parr's reviews

      5(1 review)
      Tobias M. -
      "Spot on! Great response to my directions. It was hard to chose a winner from all the great options you provided."

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